Sunday, April 4, 2010

Open Window: A Six Sentence Story for Blog Class

It is 5:07am and in the surreal moments between wake and sleep I feel a bird signing, "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet". I am suddenly teetering atop a black wire overlooking my son-in-laws running car below, in the driveway. I want to fly down to his car to tell him it is me, but all I can do is sing "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet". My mind was filled with thought of worms, eggs, bigger birds, falling off the wire, and firemen, along with jumbled thoughts of work, Tweeting, Facebook, and blogs. "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet"; "tweet-Chirp, Chirp, chirp-Tweet" the vortex of the morning light sucked me back to my pillow. Ah, it was only a dream tweet.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Submit your story to and there's a huge possibility that you will win the contest!
