I am in a blogging class at the
Nackey Loeb School of Communications. We are doing a 10 minute writting exercise. So I figured I'd write about that. Writing is really hard... for me. Every time I think about what I want to write about I get "writers block". Is there something I can take for that you ask? Well I suppose I should approach that the same way as I approach being overweight. I always wished there was a pill for that. But alas, it involved hard work, whole foods, consistency, and time.
Writing for 10 minutes a day might be the same. Hard work... finding 10 minutes a day. Whole foods... hum, maybe reading other blogs for ideas (recipes) to help learn to cook these new (whole) foods. Finally consistency and time. Write, write, write, write (just wasting time here).
We are not supposed to read over our what we write. Which makes me think about meditation. My friend Mary O and I went to a 3-day retreat with
Deepak Chopra who began each day with 45 minutes of meditation (and 15 minutes to prepare). Each day for 1 hour we meditated. He suggested we chant "I Am" to ourselves to keep our focus. He also suggested that we, when other thoughts come into our mind, simply accept them and put them to the side while we meditate. I Am, I Am, I Am (yup, wasting time again). I love to meditate. I don't love to write. But I want to learn to write. So this is day one of the rest of my blogging life. OM.
45 seconds to go... 44 43 ...... 23..... 15 1.... DONE!